This app provide more information about variety of Asana’s and Benefits of Asana’s.Asanas Details--------------• Padmasana• Anjaneyasana• Garudasana• Sarvangasana• Vajrasana• Balasana• Sukhasana• Uttanasana• Paschimottanasana• Halasana• Bitilasana• Adho Mukha Svanasana• Trikonasana• Uttana Shishosana• Janu Sirsasana• Ardha Chakrasana• Virbhadrasana• Setu Bandhasana• Parvatha Asanam• Bhujangasana• Dhanurasanaand more Asanas ...Asanas information display in 4 languages (Tamil, English, Hindi and and malayalam)Its free application. This app is only provide information and guide of several yogas, not responsible for injuries.If you like this app then dont forget to share it.please do not leave any negative comments as a lot of effort has been put into it. If you find any problem please send an email to youThank you...